Our Mission: To develop the best resume package to show how you Add Value – to get you an interview for a Federal Job.
Our Record: Our Certified Federal Resume writers have many years of success writing Federal resume packages for all levels of the Federal government which get interviews. We pride ourselves as one of the best. We believe you get what you pay for.
On any typical day, there are thousands of job openings listed by the US Federal Government. The civil service offers careers from hundreds of agencies in hundreds of career fields throughout the United States and the entire world. Some of the agencies offering civilian jobs today include the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service, Border Patrol, FBI, CIA, White House, NASA, Air Force, Navy, and Army. These positions often offer job security and benefits not found in private sector jobs.
Do you want to apply for these Federal job openings? FederalResumes.net can help you! Typically, Federal job announcements have unique requirements, very different from the requirements of a civilian job market resume.
They may require a Federal Resume or an online format such as USAJobs Application Manager – or you may need to convert from your previous, obsolete formats such as a Resumix, AVUE, QuickHire, FAA online, Aviator, OF-612 or SF-171. We can help you decipher what information is required to show how your unique background and extraordinary skills will add VALUE to the Federal government.
Note, if you are not currently working for the Federal government – and are not a Veteran – it may be difficult to secure a Federal job unless you are a match for the job. The rules for applying for Federal jobs changed a couple of years ago, and they are very skewed towards current employees and Veterans (SES jobs do not require Veteran’s preference).
You must have the exact experience for a job (unless you are a Disabled Veteran) – and you MUST meet all job requirements to even have a remote chance. Read the job announcements carefully – including the Online Questionnaire. In most cases, you must be the EXPERT in every item in the online questionnaire and address EACH item in your resume with an example to justify your answer. If you do not do this, your application may be disqualified. If it is found that you lied in your application, you may be disqualified from the application, from ever working for the Federal government, or – as stated now in many applications – charged with violating the law (you can be fined or go to jail). Therefore, before applying for a job, read the announcement carefully.
In addition to a Federal Resume, you may need additional statements, such as Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) statements (still used in some agencies – and they are coming back) or for Senior Executive Service (SES) announcements, Executive Core Qualification (ECQs) Statements to apply for Federal jobs. We can help you with these statements.
Pricing: Note, prices for Federal Resumes can be found on this website: Contact us today for us to help you!